
Showing posts from January, 2017

Finding rest

Thus says the Lord , “Stand by the roads and look; ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is; then walk in it, And you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16a (Amplified) Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 (NIV)

For Rich

This morning at the start of our foggy walk, we heard the honking of geese. I stopped to try to visualize their coming. It was a few minutes before I could actually see their approach. As they came towards us, they broke into three groups. The smaller group went their own direction away from the two main groups.  They both had their separate formation as they flew overhead of us.   I watched them fly north until again, the two groups merged again into a single unit, their voices still honking the encouragement.     Richard, I am well-pleased. Your heart and expression anchor what I have placed within you. Continue to seek me in this coming period and I will show you more.   Within you is far more than your past or what you see/imagine for your future. Hold onto me. As you continue to walk out and shepherd my flock, I will grant you more. Yet it comes at a cost, and it has been paid in full.   Continue to be open to...

Move beyond

Move beyond your comfort zone. Open yourself to my fullness. Follow-me. I will show you new places and ways for you to share me.  You will thrive. Seek me. I will show myself. Explore my fullness.

Fear not

Take care in whom you listen. Watch what you allow influence your decisions.   Stay in me and do not allow the arrows of fear to direct you. You are mine. Stay within the protection I afford to you.   The way of the enemy is devious and subtle, but leads to death. Within me is life and vitality. Within me is safety. My love cast out fear.