
Showing posts from February, 2006

the bread of life

I am the bread of life. Take of my body. My body was beaten for you. I was broken in order to bring life. Gather into me. Receive that which you need. Gather from me what is needed for each day. Partake of me: Learn of my patience, Receive new vision from the Father, I give to you compassion. You must partake of me. No one can gather for you. My manna is new each day. It is available to those of seek. My body was broken for you. Eat fully of my ways. I am a reflection of the Father. We are one. Eat the bread, my life. Eat my bread. Eat fully. I am the manna in the wilderness. I am the bread of life.

My Voice

My voice calls. My voice is clear and never wavers. I call out to all my creation. Come near to me. My voice is for those who would hear. Hear my voice. Hear my voice and prosper. Grow in me. I hear my children. Many call my name and Wonder why I do not answer. You cry out to me in this time of trouble And yes, I do hear you and I have Not removed myself. It is a time to come closer. Come to me. Do not move away in fear or shame of failure. I hear your cries And await for you. Seek me now. Respond to my word that your heart not be shielded, but be yielded to me. My voice still calls. I offer direction for growth. I offer wholeness through my son.


So the cherubim lifted up their wings, with the wheels beside them, and the glory of the God of Israel was high above them. And the glory of the LORD went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain, which is on the east side of the city. Then the Spirit took me up and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea, to those in captivity. And the vision that I had seen went up from me. So I spoke to those in captivity of all the things the LORD had shown me. Ezekiel 11:22-25 (NKJV) Paul said we are to follow the true way, the examples we have had set before us. We are his ambassadors, those sent out to a foreign country to represent to will of our king. We are only sent with the authority we have from being close to our king. Being sent out into the world, we are called back to once more sit with the King. Our wills and ways are to be conformed in his. We see that Ezekiel was sent out with a message. He was carried by heavenly creatures that had also showed him t...

Gather Yourselves

Look for me and you will find me. Seek me, so I might expand my ways into your existence. Do not fear the gathering clouds, nor be afraid of the mighty claps of thunder. I am in the coming storms. Look for my face, So I might be found. My ways are to express who I am And what I wish to be doing. Gather yourselves and recognize me. My spirit moves about as the wind. It flows across the face of the earth Combing out that which is past, dried and dead, to make room for new growth. Look for me each morning. Arise early. Invite me into your day. Allow me to encourage you. My ways become recognizable to those who seek me. Know me and fear is cast away. I am love. My spirits search for those I can show myself. Do not become distressed by what you see. My judgments are to bring others into my kingdom. I reign over all. Do not be surprised when the severe storms approach. Stay safe and flourish. Beneath my wings is safety. Gather yourselves unto me.

in me

Do not let the past or your future hold you; But sit secure in me. Let go. Release your grip from the things you hold. Embrace my expectations. Find the fulfillment I have for you.