
Showing posts from November, 2006

For those who feel as jack-o-lanterns

Your season has not passed. Though you feel you are discarded and left unwanted at the curb. It is not so. Though you feel carved up and empty, it is not true. You are not contaminated with the mold of the world. That is a false picture. They are but images from the thoughtless and the enemy. They are far from what I see. My light glows out from you. I have chosen you. From the beginning I have known your name. I have cared and will continue to care for you. You are uniquely created. I have crafted my stamp upon you. My kingdom purposes are written within you. I have not set you aside. I see the purity of my son from within you.


Speak. I have not called you to be silent. You are the light of the world. As salt and light you can release what is needed to those who come to you. Do not be timid or self-conscious. I have called you to speak in truth and love. Break the word-curses spoken against people. Speak truth. You can break the bonds of those caught in lies. Bind up the wounds of the broken- hearted, those who feel unloved. Feed the oppressed with the bread of life. I am the freedom that creates hope. Speak hope. Pray my words into the wind that I may carry it forth. Do not be silent in the face of accusation. Do not return accusation. Resist the temptation to respond in anger, that false humility. I have called you to prayer. Pray for those you come against my name. Resist the temptation to respond in anger, that false humility. Speak truth in hope to the world around you. Show them the love of Jesus. Feed the hungry. I am the bread of life. I am the water that satisfies the thirst of the lonely. My oil rel...

Join me

Join me. Relearn the truth of my words. Look to me and receive hope. Allow me to encourage you. Grasp what I see when I look at you and be empowered. Leave doubt and despair. They are the tools of the enemy. Steady your ways in me. Allow me to accomplish my goals through you. Be empowered in me. I am releasing hope. Count on me. There is strength for those who come to me to stand. I am protection for those who abide in my ways.