
Speak. I have not called you to be silent. You are the light of the world.
As salt and light you can release what is needed to those who come to
you. Do not be timid or self-conscious. I have called you to speak in truth and love.

Break the word-curses spoken against people. Speak truth. You can break
the bonds of those caught in lies. Bind up the wounds of the broken-
hearted, those who feel unloved. Feed the oppressed with the bread of
life. I am the freedom that creates hope.

Speak hope. Pray my words into the wind that I may carry it forth. Do not
be silent in the face of accusation. Do not return accusation. Resist the
temptation to respond in anger, that false humility. I have called you to
prayer. Pray for those you come against my name. Resist the temptation
to respond in anger, that false humility.

Speak truth in hope to the world around you. Show them the love of
Jesus. Feed the hungry. I am the bread of life. I am the water that satisfies
the thirst of the lonely. My oil releases life into what is brittle. My oil
releases what you are seeking.

My people will not be a silent people. My people will prosper. My people
will know my voice and move as I give direction. I am the way. In
following my leading you will find in inward satisfaction you were created
to release. In obedience, you will grow to learn more of what I have
planted deep within you. You are my voice and light to a dying world.


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