
Showing posts from February, 2007

the battle-ax

"You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms; Jeremiah 51:20 (NKJV) I was reading email today during my lunch-time. As I was opening a newe-mail, I saw the words, in bold letters, "Pick up the Battle Ax". When Ihad fully opened the email to read it, there were no similar words, so Iknew God was speaking to me. As I asked him about this, he gave me these words: Pick up the sword I have given you. Now is not the time to be bashful or to hold back. Lift it to a ready position. Strengthen yourself in my written word. Ingest the truths I have for you. Be found with others of a like-mind.Do not be brash, but neither be caught by surprise. The enemy is real. Hecomes to kill those who oppose him. Stand beneath my shadow and beprotected.Pick up the sword and strengthen your arms. Raise them in praise of me. Find your strength in the light of my word. Eat of me daily. Come boldly to me for forgiveness ...

my ways

I will spring upon you. My ways will cover your life. I will bring those who come against you and curse you to their utter destruction. I am sending forth my blessings. My curse will weigh heavily upon those that curse you. Seek after me for all of your needs. You can have no secrets. Trust me with all of your will. The enemy can not penetrate the weight of my anointing. His plans will go awry. Do not walk carelessly from beneath my protection. I have chosen you. But each day you must chose me, so my goodness and blessings can overtake you.

Springing ahead

I am moving ahead, bringing birth to new ways and new ideas. I am moving forwards with the plans created from the beginning. I am on the move, springing ahead. I am causing circumstances or thoughts of change into your life. I am propelling forward my people. In this next short season I am causing a rapid advancement. Already I am searching. My eyes are looking for those to move forward in advancement. I am rewarding those who move with an expectation. I am promoting those who continue to seek more of me. Those who have not resisted my preparation will be springing ahead.
I have known you since the beginning. There is nothing you have done or will do I am not already aware of. You are mine. I set you firmly into this time for my purposes. I have gifted you with all that is needed. I open my rooms to you. Seek me in these hard times and you will find strength. Look deeply into the eyes of my son and see clearly once again. Arise from the seeming darkness that surrounds you. Awaken and allow my light to shine through you. I am your shield and defender. I am what you are seeking. Know without doubting that you are mine. Know the love I have for you. Invite me into those secret rooms that healing may come.