
Showing posts from August, 2016

the tension

I am the tension, drawing you into alignment.  Feel me pulling you into a new way. Do not resist me. Without my tension you will be out of tune with the others I have placed near you.

the question remains...

Is there anyone else you know like Joseph who has the Spirit of God within him? Genesis 31:48 (Voice)

Do you believe?

What do you believe? It is time to stop hiding. Come out from behind the old walls of safety.  Step into my light. See what I am seeing. Walk where I am directing you. Leave the lies behind and walk in the certainty of my love.   Grow in what I have already placed within you. Release the shackles from the lives of others.  Speak life and break the grip which holds them. Watch and see what I will do as you open the doors.   My love has no bounds nor limits. My light is pure. My word is truth and life. Walk with me and believe what I shall share with you.

a Word for Charles

On my way home from work I saw a billowy cloud.  It was s hazy smoky cloud winding it’s way upward.  As I looked abut me, at other drivers, it seemed as if I was the only one who saw this. I thought, “How odd”.   Charles I am showing you things also. I am revealing myself and my ways. Stop hesitating and move. I will direct you and will bring forth a new manifestation of my ways. I will reveal my fullness to those who obey, stepping forth.   Step by step I will be with you. My words and my ways have not changed. Allow me to reveal myself to you, to those who will give up self to gain me.     His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue.  2 Peter 1:3 (Voice)

fruit of your works

In walking the dog, I’ve been noticing the volume of walnut on the ground. Most are chewed apart and eaten by the squirrels. They are thick and hard, but there is very little meat within. Where they have been eaten, there is a large mess.   Don’t let this be the fruit of your works.

properly connected

You have an anointing. You received it from Him, and His anointing remains on you. You do not need any other teacher. But as His anointing instructs you in all the essentials (all the truth uncontaminated by darkness and lies), it teaches you this: “Remain connected to Him.” 1 John 2:27 (Voice)

do not give up

Just ask and it will be given to you; seek after it and you will find. Continue to knock and the door will be opened for you. Al l who ask receive. Those who seek, find what they seek. And he who knocks, will have the door opened. Matthew 7:7-8 (Voice)

Are you obsolete?

Love will never become obsolete. Now as for the prophetic gifts, they will not last; unknown languages will become silent, and the gift of knowledge will no longer be needed. Gifts of knowledge and prophecy are partial at best, at least for now, but when the perfection and fullness of God’s kingdom arrive, all the parts will end. I Corinthians 13: 8-10 (Voice)

To what are you listening?

So consider carefully the things you’re hearing. If you put it to use, you’ll be given more to wrestle with—much more.  Those who have listened will receive more, but those who don’t hear will forget even the little they’ve failed to understand.  Mark 4:24-25 (Voice)

Follow the leadimng

If the Spirit of God is leading you, then take comfort in knowing you are His children. Romans 8:14 (Voice)

draw near

Draw near. I am stirring up the waters. Step in. I will wash over you. Allow me to wash your infirmities and cleanse you. Reach out to me and see if I will not heal you.   Fear not: I am the wind upon the waters. I am releasing my ways to those who will call to me. I am stirring up new situations so you may act in my behalf. Draw near, It is me.

Opening up

It’s time for you to look into that half-opened drawer. You see it, now investigate. See what lies inside for you.  Open the drawer of your life. Let those compartments receive my light as you open them, inspecting the contents.   I have placed hidden treasures for you. If you are hesitant or resistant, you will not notice them and will not obtain what I have already provided for you. Open up and look within to find what I have for you.

a Word for Susan

You have asked, so I will show you.  I know you and see within your heart. I see within the hidden spaces and compartments tightly closed.  Allow my light to show you the way to clean them.   What is it you really wish me to do for you? What have you considered? Learn to trust me for the small things. See if I am not there to answer.   Do not be disheartened for I am not angry nor disappointed. I am here to guide you and to be a hedge of protection. I will demonstrate my love for you.   I will show you a new pathway, one created for you to travel. It will be one where you will see me touch others with my Spirit, as you speak to them.  It is a pathway where you will pray my ways into the atmosphere around you. It is one where healing will abound. You will speak my words and new life will abound.   What is it you wish for me to accomplish? Examine your night dreams, they will reveal an unfolding plan along ...