
Showing posts from May, 2008

from the beginning

Yes, from the beginning I have known you, and all you will become. Before time, you were created with specific skills and charismas. You were made in my image and within you I see my son. Your ways are becoming my ways as you partake of the word and the bread. You are called to more than walk in my light. Daily fill yourself regularly with truth and my outshining will release healing. You are my child of light, dispelling the darkness. I have watched you grow and mature. I see you walking in the fullness for which you were created. As you spend time, interacting with me you are being transformed from glory to glory.

cover yourself

You have read that "In the beginning God created". I am still creating. I am opening doors that once were closed. I am reopening wells that were clogged and dry. I am creating ways for those that love me to succeed. Yes, all things I have created. My laws hold all things in their proper place. I existed before the epochs of time came to the horizon, and I yet exist. I am here that you might have a new beginning. My statutes will guide you into all you will need. I am the way to fulfillment and the satisfaction that you seek. Cover yourself in my mantle.

a time for gathering

Then Elisha said, "Go and get empty jars from all your neighbors. Don't ask for just a few. Then go into your house and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and set the full ones aside." So she left Elisha and shut the door behind her and her sons. As they brought the jars to her, she poured out the oil. When the jars were all full, she said to her son, "Bring me another jar." But he said, "There are no more jars." Then the oil stopped flowing. 2 Kings 4:3-6 (NCV) I am coming soon. I am providing fine gifts sent for the bride to adorn herself. It's time for gathering up your oil. Do you not recognize the signs? The conditions are favorable; there is an extended time of growth. The plants and trees are full, lush and in blossom. There is abundant water. Go into your neighborhoods and gather he empty jars that they may be filled. Linger in my presence. Be cleansed and filled to overflowing. Do not be hesitant, but all...

On the runway

Though not uncommon for where we live, I saw a small jet sitting alone on the runway waiting for clearance to take off. You know who you are. Your number has been called, but you remain in the safe places according to your own doing. It’s time for some of my people to take off; to get away from what they feel is the safe pathway. Move into smaller paths and unknown trails. Listen for me; I will direct you. Go forth and learn what I have for you.

above the earth

During a recent time of prayer I found myself flying high above the earth. It was if I were riding the currents. The ground below seemed very distant, but it was a sandy-tan colour. There were no visible signs of roads or towns. In fact I saw nothing but the sloping lands below. I found myself wondering what I was doing, or why I saw nothing. But I saw enjoying the times. I heard his voice say, “Look down there”. As I did, I saw a house, which I’d not seen before. It was a smaller, single level house. The area looked empty and uninhabited. I had the fleeting thought; I wonder why I see this house now? I heard his voice say, “Now look again.” I looked again to the house. This time I saw into the house. It was not vacant, but was inhabited by a man. I could see him walking through the hallway and into the rooms. We were still soaring high above the earth. Nothing else was visible. “I wonder what’s up with the man in the house” I thought. Again God responded. “Look down there.” I instinct...

Ohio arise

Ohio arise. I have called you into greatness. No longer shall the enemy prevail. No longer shall you turn away, pretending not to see. I have empowered you. I am cleansing the land; breaking unholy alliances and patterns. I am ripping away the darkness. Take new food and arise. Be found flying again. I will be your strength as you field my word. As my mighty sword, order will be restored. The eagle and the apostolic will arise. Clean waters will flow to others. Great healing will cross through your cities and into the farm-lands. All will know that you are mine. Arise Ohio. It’s time for the great birthing to begin.

come forth

Lazarus come forth. I speak life into your body and life. I have redeemed you and supplied you with all that is needed. I have broken the bonds which hinder you. You will hear my voice and respond. Do you believe that I want to come and spend time with you? Prepare the way. Open yourself; soften your heart. I am showing myself. There is about to be an explosion of my love. Open yourself to receive me. Drop your defenses; open the flood-gate so I may come in and reside with you.