a time for gathering

Then Elisha said, "Go and get empty jars from all your neighbors.
Don't ask for just a few. Then go into your house and shut the door
behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and set the full
ones aside." So she left Elisha and shut the door behind her and her
sons. As they brought the jars to her, she poured out the oil.
When the jars were all full, she said to her son, "Bring me another
jar." But he said, "There are no more jars." Then the oil stopped
flowing. 2 Kings 4:3-6 (NCV)

I am coming soon. I am providing fine gifts sent for the bride to
adorn herself.

It's time for gathering up your oil. Do you not recognize the
signs? The conditions are favorable; there is an extended time
of growth. The plants and trees are full, lush and in blossom.
There is abundant water. Go into your neighborhoods and
gather he empty jars that they may be filled.

Linger in my presence. Be cleansed and filled to overflowing.
Do not be hesitant, but allow me to prepare you. I have sent
those into your midst to encourage you. Listen to them as
they demonstrate my ways.

Stay alert. Recognize the times of preparation. Get yourself ready.
Do not be left behind and miss the banquet. Go to where the oil is
available. Fill all your vessels to overflowing.


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