above the earth

During a recent time of prayer I found myself flying high above the earth. It was if I were riding the currents. The ground below seemed very distant, but it was a sandy-tan colour. There were no visible signs of roads or towns. In fact I saw nothing but the sloping lands below.

I found myself wondering what I was doing, or why I saw nothing. But I saw enjoying the times. I heard his voice say, “Look down there”. As I did, I saw a house, which I’d not seen before. It was a smaller, single level house. The area looked empty and uninhabited. I had the fleeting thought; I wonder why I see this house now?

I heard his voice say, “Now look again.” I looked again to the house. This time I saw into the house. It was not vacant, but was inhabited by a man. I could see him walking through the hallway and into the rooms. We were still soaring high above the earth. Nothing else was visible. “I wonder what’s up with the man in the house” I thought.

Again God responded. “Look down there.” I instinctively knew where to look as we flew. I was amazed. As last time I saw more than into the house, but now there was a huge shopping mall type complex inside this man’s house. It was filled with too many people to count. I was now back, out of the experience.

It had given me much to consider. I asked, “What am I to learn?”

And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. Luke 11:9 (NLT)

Often, revelation will be just like my experience. It unfurls in layers. Sometimes we realize we are with God, and yet we see nothing. It was not until I was wondering “why” that I was shown the house; next it was a man inside his house; and finally a large mall with many people within the house wit the man.

For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks. Luke 11:10 (NLT)

I write this to encourage you in your experience with God. Talk with him. Be willing to ask him questions, and expect to find answers. He has things to show us, but only if we show interest in him and what he’s doing.

So… you are now to ask God, what this encounter means to you. Ask him to unfold the revelation he would grant. What is it you are to see and learn of him?


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