at a great price

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he found a pearl of great value, he went out and sold everything he had and bought it.                             Matthew 13:45-46 (NET)


Yes, you have been hidden away. Far away from the voices which would speak poison and blind your eyes to my kingdom way. Fear not for I AM is yet with you. I have never left you alone.

You have been purchased at a great price, yet there is a great rejoicing. I have spoken my words into your heart and you wonder "when". When will this be accomplished you ask and cry to me.  Stand firm in me.

Yes, you are a pearl of great value. You are my pearl. I am teaching you to be hidden away in me. It is only there you will find satisfaction and the safety the sons of God will depend upon.

Be ever-dependant upon me and my ways. Learn to follow my eyes and my voice. Do not move out on your own ways or ambition. I will continue to lead you. Move when and where you see me. Ask me for direction and you will receive.


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