the right direction

In walking this morning, I was thinking about my role as a believer; A what am I called to do type of internal conversation. I’ve come to better understand my role as a firecarrier. It is two-fold. One to keep the fire on the altar constantly burning and the other to bring God’s fire directly into the lives of others.  It was then a heard the words, “pointed in the right direction”.

As I heard that phrase I saw a penny in front of me brightly shining in the sunlight. I picked it up and saw the year as 1999, the year I became aware that I was in the prophetic camp. After seeing the year, I immediately saw two more pennies to the left of the original. They too seemed to have dates (1967 and 1971) significant to things which have occurred in my lifetime.

So now: I wish to point you in the right direction. Ask Father: and expect an answer to those things which you really are asking Him.


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