Now consider this
You are likely familiar with the gospel story in Luke 5:1-11. This is where Jesus used the fishing boats of Simon Peter James and John, to preach to the folks gathered along the shoreline. It was when he was done that Peter again threw out the fishing net, in daylight (against the rules of fishing). Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching
people.” When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.(Luke 5:10b-11). As it were, it shows the calling of the three fishermen, Simon, James and John.
Now consider this:
You have not missed your calling. Jesus is pursuing you. His words reaches into our spirits and we identify our need, our desire to serve him gains clarity and intensifies. It is our personal interface with those he places in our pathway. It is his uniqueness within our lives which draws others to his fullness.
Like Simon Peter, James and John we may return to where we started, but realize Jesus does not give up. He may ask you to one more time let down your nets. You see, the story in Luke is their second calling, different from the stories found in Matthew 4:18-22 and Mark 1:16-20. Towards you and I Jesus is persistent. He pursues us to follow Him in relationship. Just listen to his voice. Don’t be afraid. From now on, “You’ll be fishing for people” (NLT)