If you think the door is closing

If you think the door is closing, it is time for a decision.  You can stand still, sulk and have the door close on you, or you can make a decision.

If the door is closing then take a step.  Either move inside where you were comfortable, or you take a step towards the unknown.  If the door is closing, you have an opportunity.  Are you going to consult with me and allow me to give direction? Or are you going to make your own decision and then whine about your situation?

If the door is closing, ask if I am responsible for that. Move in or move out as you sense I am directing you.  If you think that door is closing, you are correct. It is.  Now is the time for your decision.

God replied to Moses, “I am who I am.  Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.”   Exodus 3:14 (NLT)


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