
Showing posts from August, 2017

morning training

I took the dog on an early morning walk today. As we began the walk we heard the sound of a train on the near-by tracks. Over our frequent visits I’d come to realize there are two parallel tracks. We both find it special for our own reasons. It was not much later and we heard a southbound train too. Not much time later a third train had passed over those tracks.  It caused me a bit of puzzlement, as there had been a train sitting on one set of the tracks. It was there when we began our walk. In my mind I was trying to figure it out. How could so many trains passed by with one currently sitting still. While I thought I had figured it possible if one of the trains we heard had stopped there, but we never heard that slow-down and loud creaking which occurs when the do stop. But then train number four for the morning came by. It was not until then that I realized was being taught a lesson. I need to not limit things to natural conclusions. ...

Where to be looking, today, as all days

Today as all days.... Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Proverbs 4: 23-25 (NIV)

His Word for Abby

Despite what your history may wish you to believe, you are as your name implies: “joy of the Father”.   He exults (is joyful/jubilant) over you. Father has not forgotten the dreams He has placed within you. The enemy has seen them and would have you be believe they are false. The enemy would have you feel that you are worthless and a failure.  That is a lie. You are a child of the King and His heart is for you. Feed regularly upon the written Word of the Father. Each day absorb it. It will guide you into real Truth and justice. Keep your focus upon Him and not what you see in the natural. Confess failure when it occurs, and move forward in forgiveness.  There are supernatural plans for you to be involved; advancing the kingdom of God, taking down strongholds. He is active within your life activities.  Learn to follow what you sense and act upon Him directing. Reach out when He whispers to you.  It will build that great faith He has decreed. Ea...

for those in which in the year 1995 has significance

This word is for those in which in the year 1995 has significance. The WORD of the LORD for you today is Continue Continue to seek Him Continue to Listen Continue to be where you are placed for now.   ….then you will prosper. “As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax booth. “Follow me,” he said to him. And he got up and followed him.”    Matthew 9:9 ( NET

you need to hear...

The words you need to hear, “You did not fail me.”  Look passed the current struggles and see me. I am here with you and I am already there.   Come along with the. Walk where I show you. I will guide you in my truth.