His Word for Abby

Despite what your history may wish you to believe, you are as your name
implies: “joy of the Father”.   He exults (is joyful/jubilant) over you.

Father has not forgotten the dreams He has placed within you. The enemy
has seen them and would have you be believe they are false. The enemy
would have you feel that you are worthless and a failure.  That is a lie.
You are a child of the King and His heart is for you.

Feed regularly upon the written Word of the Father. Each day absorb it. It
will guide you into real Truth and justice.

Keep your focus upon Him and not what you see in the natural. Confess
failure when it occurs, and move forward in forgiveness.  There are
supernatural plans for you to be involved; advancing the kingdom of God,
taking down strongholds.

He is active within your life activities.  Learn to follow what you sense
and act upon Him directing. Reach out when He whispers to you.  It will
build that great faith He has decreed. Each step you take destroys the plan
of the enemy.


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