I AM Unchanging

It is true that I am unchanging. Yet those who know me will see more.
There are expressions of my love and direction for you to explore.

I have not changed. You will experience more in me.
As you learn my names I will expand your concept of who I am.

I am unchanging.
All you learn more of me and my heart will be ever-changing.

I will deliver from evil those who trust in me.
I am the hope of those who leave their own ways and seek what pleases me.

I am the healer to those in need.
Receive my direction and correction for your life.

I have not changed my desire for relationship. I have not limited my authority.
I am truth and life, to those who will release their will into mine.

I am the God of multiplication. Factor me into your life.
You can experience liberation and wholeness. Allow me to touch your life.
Allow me to touch the lives of others through what I will show you.

I am the unchanging fire by night.
There is no fear or condemnation within the illumination of my light.
Yet on the other side is a deep darkness. That is where my pathway leads.

I am the cloud by day.
Follow me so that deliverance from wickedness can be accomplished.

Let us set free those bound in chains of shame and sin.
As you allow me to accomplish this in you and other can be reached.

I am unchanging truth and everlasting life.
Drink deeply of my water. Share the cup of refreshment.

I am the new day. My son illuminates all that I am.
Eat freely from the table he sets for you.
Share freely what you have received with those in need.

I am the Father of lights, the creator all of creatures.
In me there is no spiritual darkness; Wickedness flees.

I am granting more of me to all whose heart is pure.
I am pursuing all my creation.


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