A Change is Coming

Take note, comprehend what God is speaking. We need to recognize his voice. We must have spiritual ears to listen to what the Spirit is saying. We must have our spiritual eyes opened to see what God is doing. Becoming Christ-like we too must be willing to respond to what we see and hear.

Recently as I was driving home I saw a billboard advertisement through which God is speaking. It read, “A Change is Coming.”

I am moving over the face of the earth. I am wooing my creation. I am drawing forth into the kingdom. I am brooding over those I love. I am working in the circumstances to bring all to the Son, that he may receive all worship and honor.

My riders and watchers are about the whole earth. They perform my work. They move in perfect conjunction with my perfect will.

Know that a change is coming. Recognize the signs. My presence will wash over you. My glory will fill the whole earth. It will be carried forth by the vessels willing to set self aside and be filled with me. I am rushing upon those who call for me.

In a moment I am coming. There is nothing too difficult for me to change. Live in the light. I am coming. I am the change which overwhelms darkness, causing it to flee. I am the change releasing hope to those who have been dashed and crushed.

A change is coming. All peoples will know and worship me. The enemy will rail loudly. He will howl belligerently into the night air. Yet he is crushed.

I am bringing down the lies and strongholds which captivate my people. My truth will open blind eyes. I am releasing wholeness in ways not yet revealed.

I am filling the pots of the widows and orphans. I am filling them with the never-ending oil of my Spirit. Yes, there is a change coming into the places and lives I am received.


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