I अम releasing

Only God's Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows
wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don't know where
it comes from or where it is going. John 3:8 (CEV)

I am releasing a great and mighty wind, tearing down the old ways.
The dry and brittle will not survive. They are burned up in my fire.
I will remove that which is useless from your life, like limbs from
an old tree. They will be cast down to the earth.

The breath of my spirit is active. It is flowing across the heart of
those who seek me. Examine your source of power while there is still
time. I speak to you while there is still time. Move closer so you
may breathe in that which I shall exhale. Allow my power to guide
you into new life.


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