Let righteousness

Let righteousness be your guide, so that you may have life, and take for your heritage the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 16:20 (BBE)

I am that righteousness necessary to have life. Live free in abundance with me. Turn aside from you own way of accomplishing my will. It will fail.

I am the way. I came so you might have an example. I left so that the Helper could come. He is available to open truth. He spoke through the prophets and He will speak through you if you allow him.

The meek shall inherit the earth not the bold or the brash. Ask for direction and receive it. Ask for wisdom and it is for you also. Ask for the things which matter in the mind of the Father.

In suffering I learned obedience. That too is your heritage. Do not be found trying to hide. You are called to rule. You are to shine in the time of darkness.

Let righteousness be your guide. Share with others the refreshing I can bring. Be welcome among those who are mine.


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