
“Therefore, everyone who hears what I say and obeys it will be like a wise person who built a house on rock.
Rain poured, and floods came. Winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not collapse, because its foundation was on rock.
Matthew 7:24-25 (GW)
Be grounded and grow in the wisdom I provide. I have created all things. In my ways are life and abundance. Do not let your hearts be troubled. I am yet the God of the miraculous. My protection is for those who know me through relationship.
Rains and storms are not new. They will become opportunities; avenues for my work to be seen through those who know me. My light will flourish in the darkening days.
Playing fields will be leveled; walls will crumble and fall. Yet my people will be safe upon the foundation only I can provide.
Build upon what I am establishing. I am your firm foundation.


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