after my ways

There are those of you who are allowing feelings dictate your relationship with Father. You feel second class because your healing has not yet arrived. For some of you it is a physical ailment. You’ve asked many times for a healing and yet it has not yet been made manifest.

For others it is an emotional attachment to someone or something from your past. You want to cut the tie, but feel that it seems to resurface just when you thought it was over. You then tumble back into an almost depressive state.

It is time to stop empowering the enemy.  Do not listen to the lies of the one who comes to kill and destroy.  What have I told you?  I have declared my love for you. My thoughts have not changed. Brush off the lying spirit. Sweep his evil/deadly words to the floor and stomp on them.

Look to me for your strength. Speak my words aloud so your ears may hear them.  I will bring wholeness into your life. You will manifest my presence for those yet trapped in darkness.  Reach out to those needing me. I will flow to them through your compassion.

My spirit will lead you into all righteous if you follow after my ways.


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