
Showing posts from October, 2012

follow the light

Do not grow discouraged by what you do not see; Follow me. I will draw you where you should be walking. I will supply my illumination upon what should be seen. I will shut out the false light; the things which are trying to enter into you.  Follow my light in these times of of darkness. So walk without fear. The greater the darkness you will walk through the grater your heart draws others to me. Follow the light: be the light.

It is not too late

During worship this morning I was given a picture/work. to the right side of my vision it became very dark. I could see and the flashes of lightening as a storm was approaching. I was given instructions in regarding the impending storm (Sandy: the Frankenstorm). I was told it is much like the storm which is actively brewing over our country. The storms are attacking what is right, both spiritually and in the natural. The winds of lies are whipping the waters, cascading over the shorelines and into the homes of our citizens. Here are the points I heard: 1) it has come to try to put out the light; to bring fear. 2) it moves to take down the power lines and communication; to bring isolation and discouragement. 3) to flood lives with an unclean water but the larger point I was give is simple: 4) There is yet time for my people to stand up. Take the time to stand firm in prayer. Use my authority. Speak against the plans to bring destruction; Speak against the winds and waves o...

I am yet speaking

I am yet speaking. I decree direction to those who ask; to those who seek me. My word is healing: Be my voice spoken into the lives I bring before you. You are to be my voice in this time of darkness. My word is not silent nor dormant. It grows within those who love me; those who seek my ways and my heart. I have called others, and yet I am calling you. My word is creative. It drives out all darkness. It releases the captives. It binds the wounds which would consume you. I am speaking direction in the night season. I am pouring myself into you in ways yet revealed. My word was here in what you consider to be the beginning. Those Words continue. My word continues to lie within you. Allow it to grow. Give it ground to go forth. Speak the things I will show you to speak. Do not be silent in fear, for that is not my way. Release those caught in the traps. Do not allow the enemy to keep them in bondage. Open your hands and release what they need. Touch their hearts w...

The LORD commissions

“I, the LORD, officially commission you; I take hold of your hand. I protect you and make you a covenant mediator for people, and a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to release prisoners from dungeons, those who live in darkness from prisons. Isaiah 42:6-7 (NET)

following the Word of God

Then by a prophet the LORD brought Jacob’s descendants out of Egypt; and by that prophet they were protected. Hosea 12:13 (NLT)

each generation…

O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past— stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders. Psalm 78:1-4 (NLT)

the seventh day

Then God honored the seventh day and made it holy, because in it He rested from all His work which He had done.  Genesis 2:3 (NLV)

confirmation for those asking

For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited-- he says: "I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:18 (NIV) Yes, I am the LORD. I created all things. There is nothing which escapes or surprises me. You were created by me in my image. My eye remains upon you and in your everyday life. I smile when you speak with me. It gives me joy when you call upon my name. Do not become distracted from what I've called you to do. Do not allow circumstances to bring fear or inactivity. Stand firm in me. My love is never-ending. Do not allow your heart to be troubled or mired in doubt. I am all you need. I am what you seek. Only I can fill the void you allow to sneak into your life. Arise again. Align your ways with my plans. I am the LORD of the harvest. I am preparing my harvesters and those who will labor among them. Call upon my name and...