get up and go out

The hand of the Lord was on me there, and He said to me, "Get up, go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you."  So I got up and went out to the plain; and behold, the glory of the Lord was standing there...  Ezekiel 3: 22-23a (NASU)


Anonymous said…

Your latest up at Open Heaven:

"And there before you shall be a house. Do not be afraid of its inhabitants. They are my children. They live under my protection. Enter into the house. Accept their friendship. Worship me with them. Then, lay your hands upon each of them, individually imparting what I have for them. You shall speak words of life into each.

As you go out, I will meet with you."

Oh joy, the "house" would be the faith, Roman Catholicism. Paul's "breaking bread" is the most Holy
Eucharist. Ignatius of Antioch as
a boy knew the beloved the Apostle
John. Ignatius first used the word "Eucharist." Our Lord's presence in the Eucharist is true.

Enter into the faith. God is going
to show every soul on the earth the
faith is Roman Catholicism during
the prophesied "awakening" It is
soon Steven. This divine illumination is going to take place before the anti-Christ appears. God is going to warn of his evil and most important, this worldwide Pentecost will save souls.

Satan's man, the anti-Christ is going to try and take away the
Eucharist, to abolish it. Why would the anti-Christ do this if the Eucharist isn't true? He believes, Our Lord's presence in the Eucharist is the summit of the faith.

This is the "abomination of desolation" prophesied in Daniel. In the same verses it is written, the "continual sacrifice", yes? The "continual sacrifice" is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Remember, when you see changes made never seen in 2000 years and the terrible persecution of the faith, those who don't understand will think Our Lord is returning with His approval of the destruction of Roman Catholicism.

It is the exact opposite.

Thank you for your messages. Your latest is a gentle prophecy, remember, remember.

God bless you,


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