for Kevin and Kellie


This word is for Kevin and Kellie: No, it is not too late.

You have been asking Father, and feel like He is not hearing you and not answering you.  It is now a time of dryness and you feel like quitting.

Begin again at exercising your faith. Now is the time to prepare. Be ready for the thing I will show you. I have been preparing your heart, empting out those things which do not belong.

Stand before me and receive a fresh vision. Let me overflow your thoughts and show you how we will accomplish my plans for you. I want you to reread that portion of scripture which originally enlivened you. I will feed you more from that.  I will enlarge it one more time with fresh manna.

I am answering you now: I want you to be ready. It is not too late, if you allow me to work through you.


Anonymous said…
think this was for me, altho my 1st name is spelled a lil differently. my last name is in your blog name also - lol. really appreciate this. i have become sort of disillusioned after so so long of praying and praying and trusting and nothing happening... that it is hard for me to pray at all anymore. was broken hearted a long time that it hurt too much to talk to God anymore. thanks for sharing this ~

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