
Showing posts from September, 2014

my time of cleansing

I am cleaning up my people. For those I love I bring correction, not the condemnation of blasting words. I am cleansing those who are mine; washing away the grime of everyday life and the guilt the enemy has set to splash upon you. Yes, you are mine. There is no need to hide from me. My ways are pure and gentle. My hands bring correction to release wholeness within you. Do not be embarrassed or resistant, but come to me. I will wash you in my brass basin in preparation for what you are becoming. I have sent dreams to some of you of bathing. Do not be embarrassed, but relish the time of intimacy. I have created you and nurtured you from your youth. I will wash away any stigma you allow me to touch. My message has not changed. Go and wash in the pool where I direct you. There you will receive new vision. There you will receive a new anointing. Jesus (to the blind man): Go, wash yourself in the pool of Siloam John 9:7 (Voice)

the one who rescues…

Now, this is what the LORD says, the one who created you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel: “Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you. I called you by name, you are mine.

God’s activity

The afflicted and needy are seeking water, but there is none, And their tongue is parched with thirst; I, the Lord, will answer them Myself, As the God of Israel I will not forsake them. "I will open rivers on the bare heights And springs in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water And the dry land fountains of water.  Isaiah 41:17-18 (NASU)

in the shadows

Again, for the third time in this past week I see men at the edge of the shadows.  They are not hiding, but are in chairs as if sleeping. Be alert to what I am showing you. Pick-up the signs. In them are direction for prayer.

deception exposed

On my way to church this Sunday morning I saw a large black bird along the roadside.  It was in the taller grass, pulling apart what seemed to be it’s carrion. As I grew closer, the bird seemed to hide and gave the appearance of a trash-bag blowing in the wind. In the natural, I realize I could have been mistaken. But I also know I saw a bird and it’s hidden form. As I asked about this I heard a word from Father-God. You asked to see more, but without me fear will show itself. My perfect love casts out fear.  Trust in me and my understanding. This is much deception occurring abut you. People and things pretending to be something they are not.  They do not wish to be exposed, so they exchange into a more acceptable form. In my timing all will be exposed and judgment will come from what one is consuming. Allow my Spirit of Truth to work in you.

For Richard and Zelda

For Richard and one called Zelda. Listen to those I have sent to you. They speak my words. They have my revelation and wisdom. Consider the birds, those which capture your attention. It is a clue to who you are in me.

in the darkness

The LORD said, “How terrible it will be for these stubborn children. They make plans, but they don’t ask me to help them.

during a time of worship

From during a time of worship at Day-Hop.     I was taken down a dark hallway. There were no lights. It seemed narrow and constrictive. It was total darkness. As we approached what seemed to be the end of this hallway, He asked “What do you see?”.   I felt myself searching for an acceptable answer. I did not want to admit to myself or more so to Him that I saw nothing but darkness.  It was then I heard Him say, “Look about. I am here. Declare my presence. I am light.”   As soon as I heard Him speak this, the darkness fled, as if trying to escape Him, to keep from being exposed. The darkness did not wish to be recognized. It was now fully gone. The hallway was not narrow, but extremely wide and spacious.   Pure light was everywhere, such that my eyes had to squint from the intensity.  Now, in front of me was a door. I heard Him say, "The door is open for you.” I was now instantly on the other sid...

for the car dealer

I am speaking to you again.     Do not ignore my call upon your life. I am offering myself.     I have paid the full price for you, Come now. Do not be caught     up or bought off mercenary ways and influences. You have the choice of my peace or to continue seeking of wrong roads.

the illumination

I arrive at work early, so when I am driving, it was most always dark. I normally take the same route to work each day to and from work. Yet this morning I saw something I’d not seen previously. To my right was a large white estate-like building fully illuminated in flood-lights. I pass that way many times in the past years, yet now I see this. I had this wow, feeling of awe come through me. I sense God at work. Keep alert and I will show you more. I will illuminate the things and situations which I want you to be aware. Greater darkness is coming, but the light of my people will illuminate the world. Include me. Learn to walk not only in my power, but also in my authority.

learning holiness

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. John 17:17 (NLT)

for Bea

You are aptly named, as one being “a bringer of joy”. You bring a peace and joy to those you come around.  Into your life is a soon-coming new period. It will be one of refreshing, a knowing of increased blessing and favor from God.  It may feel clumsy at first, but know it is from God. Relish this time; allow it to nourish you, as you again grow deeper in the Word. Be blessed and highly favored. .

the idle will fall

When the enemy comes the idle will fall. They will passively roll out of the way and into the roadside ditch. My warrior will not be silent. Their voices will continue to send prayers for me to accomplish. They will step aside and allow my power to flow thru them. The idols of self will be destroyed.