my time of cleansing

I am cleaning up my people. For those I love I bring correction, not the condemnation of blasting words. I am cleansing those who are mine; washing away the grime of everyday life and the guilt the enemy has set to splash upon you.

Yes, you are mine. There is no need to hide from me. My ways are pure and gentle. My hands bring correction to release wholeness within you. Do not be embarrassed or resistant, but come to me. I will wash you in my brass basin in preparation for what you are becoming.

I have sent dreams to some of you of bathing. Do not be embarrassed, but relish the time of intimacy. I have created you and nurtured you from your youth. I will wash away any stigma you allow me to touch.

My message has not changed. Go and wash in the pool where I direct you. There you will receive new vision. There you will receive a new anointing.

Jesus (to the blind man): Go, wash yourself in the pool of Siloam
John 9:7 (Voice)


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