during a time of worship

From during a time of worship at Day-Hop. 
I was taken down a dark hallway. There were no lights. It seemed narrow and constrictive. It was total darkness. As we approached what seemed to be the end of this hallway, He asked “What do you see?”.
I felt myself searching for an acceptable answer. I did not want to admit to
myself or more so to Him that I saw nothing but darkness.  It was then I
heard Him say, “Look about. I am here. Declare my presence. I am light.”
As soon as I heard Him speak this, the darkness fled, as if trying to escape
Him, to keep from being exposed. The darkness did not wish to be recognized. It was now fully gone. The hallway was not narrow, but extremely wide and spacious.
Pure light was everywhere, such that my eyes had to squint from the
intensity.  Now, in front of me was a door. I heard Him say, "The door is
open for you.” I was now instantly on the other side of that once-closed
door. The building which had held the hallway was nowhere to be seen.
There was now in front of me a bright blue, spacious sky and a mountain
range against the skyline. In the far distance I could see an eagle flying
high in the sky. As I focused by eyes upon that eagle, it was suddenly large
and very near. It was circling above me.
I was now upon that eagle. I sat near it's head as we flew across the sky.
As we flew, I began to see things differently, as if I was watching not
through my eyes, but that I was actually within the eagle and that His
vision was now my vision. I found myself inside the eagle watching outward
as we flew.
As sudden as it had begun, I was now back I the room as the worship music


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