What are you seeing?

During a Saturday afternoon walk, I saw a large man.
He seemingly appeared where it had been previously no one.
He was dressed in all black and had a longer, dark beard.
A few minutes later, as I was looking for this man, he was not to be found.
Now there was a smaller, clean-shaven man walking.
We were driving in the car early this Sunday morning. I was looking
for the moon, when I saw it seemingly directly in front of me. It stood
large and white against the yet-dark skies. It was quite noticeable and
impressive -the only super-moon for this ending calendar year.
I was glad to be able to again see the moon as I was on my way for the
early-morning walk.  But now, I saw no moon. I turned every direction,
but could no longer visualize the moon. I was puzzled and queried
The answer was clear and pointed: "Because you can not see it, does that
mean it does not exist?"


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