
Showing posts from October, 2006

lessons of a dog owner

We have two cocker spaniels. Last month they turned one year of age. In the almost year they have lived with us there have been many changes required. I have had many learning opportunities. While Sadie and Sophie are sisters from the same litter, they are quite unique in their mannerisms. These dogs are like most people. They like to do the things they like to do. Sadie is the sister smaller in stature, but is by far the more vocal. She is also one who tries to please. She is very responsive and comes when first called. She does not to be disobedient. While Sophie, enjoys doing her own thing. Yet when she has been scolded she does not avoid me. Instead she draws closer as if to re-establish the relationship. That can be such a good example for spiritual guidance. When I screw-up or receive correction, I should not avoid God, but come eagerly back to Him. As individuals, the dogs express themselves differently. There are different modes of play they each prefer. While they both may b...

you are the light

My children, I want to remind you who sits on the throne of the highest heavens. I am yet creator, king and commander of the Hosts of heaven. Do not become distracted by the enemy. He roars to see who is scared and who he can flush out, that they might react on their own. Fear not. Stay near me. Nothing has changed but circumstances. My word brought forth light. My voice continues to dispel darkness. Walk secure in my truth. Darkness is yet an absence of my light. Darkness is the place where I send those I trust, so that I might breakthrough and destroy the works of evil. You are the light of the world. My glory illuminates the truth. It breaks the lies of bondage. It utterly destroys all that resists me. Walk in the love you have been shown. I am the Lord of Hosts. I will accomplish what I have planned. I am the great restorer.

water level rising

The water level is rising. I am powering forth my spirit. My water of truth is rising. I am increasing the signs of my ways. Be sure-footed and secure in me. As the water level rises, so do other things likewise rise. The enemy swarms in the flow feeding on the weak and ungrounded. The water moves more swiftly. Be certain what you do. Examine your motives. Fact that does not align with me; Fact that has no love is not truth. I am the truth. Much can get caught up and moved along in the water. Much can be hidden beneath the surface. In me is purity. I am on the move. I am extending boundaries for those who follow me. I am clearing away rubble and rubbish. That which stands in my way will not remain. Hold onto nothing that is not Me. The power of the Spirit will be demonstrated. I am raising up and supporting those who know me. They will rise on the crest of my waters. They will be taken in the flow of my ways.

remember the dream

Have you ever had a dream or promise from God? It was one that really encouraged you, but that was then …and now when you rethink it the excitement has ebbed. You now just laugh knowing the time has long passed. Well I have a story you should review for yourself. It’s in Genesis chapter 18, the story of promise that seemed to never occur. But one day… Then the LORD appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, and said, "My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. "Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. "And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant."...

quiet yourself

Stop! Do not allow the residual noise of life to affect you. The enemy would bombard you with constant noise and lies. Stay next to me. Be within the shadow of my fortress. You don’t need respond to every criticism that flies your way. Learn to quiet yourself in me. Learn to be content where I have placed you. I will quench the darts of those who find their peace in me. Enjoy reading my Word. Savor the time. Ingest my thoughts.


I call you into new life. I am rearranging and aligning things. You have been saved by the blood of my son. You have been sanctified, set apart for my ways. Do not be surprised, but expect changes. I am calling forth a new order for this day. You have been saved by the blood of my son. You have been sanctified, set apart for my ways. Arise. Stand in Me .

I AM Love

I AM love. I do not demand perfection. Those who are my children walk in love. I do not bring judgment upon those who seek me. I reward those who seek after me. Their hearts learn of me. They are refined to carry more of what I have prepared for them. I am love. Walk with me without fear. I am love. Do not be stalled by intimidation. I am love. I do not bring condemnation. Step closer to me. Receive the joy I have for you. Ask for more of me in your life. Ask to learn my secrets, so I can share more with you. I am God. You are my child. I am preparing you to walk in maturity. As you learn to walk with me you will learn to allow my ways to penetrate your life. You will seek more of me, not for yourself, but more of me for others. You learn not to fear what I have shown you, for you know I am love. I am the God of all truth. Walk in me and I will be glorified. I am the way to life and abundance. I AM the light. Learn to walk in my pure light. You will see me. You will learn to recognize ...

no disgrace

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift. Ephesians 4:7 (ESV) My Holy Spirit is preparing you. There is no disgrace to those who are mine. You are mine. My grace is free; it is for you. It is through my blood that abundant life is yours. I am drawing you closer. I am sustaining you. Learn to fall into the arms of my protection. I have fully clothed you. My blood covers the past and present. In me alone you have a future. Release the bonds that seek to hold you. Drink from my pure water. Be refreshed. Allow me to show you my love. Allow my grace to be active in your lie. The world can not understand. It does not know me; it had not yet seen me. I am ever-filling you. Draw nearer to me. Find the freedom you seek. I will clothe you in my majestic colours. Do not miss out. Come to me without fear or shame. I have called you by the name I have given you. Come forth. Come now from wherever you are. My armament is more than sufficient. I am the shie...

the corn is falling

It is the season for harvesting. I’ve sent my workers into the fields. I want you to join them. Do not delay. I’ve supplied you with what is needed. Move into the harvest mode. Reap the benefit of moving in sync with me. Be busy in doing what I’ve called for you to do. The fruit need be in before the rain.