I AM Love

I AM love. I do not demand perfection. Those who are my children walk in love.
I do not bring judgment upon those who seek me. I reward those who seek after me.
Their hearts learn of me. They are refined to carry more of what I have prepared for them.

I am love. Walk with me without fear.
I am love. Do not be stalled by intimidation.
I am love. I do not bring condemnation.

Step closer to me. Receive the joy I have for you. Ask for more of me in your life.
Ask to learn my secrets, so I can share more with you. I am God. You are my child.
I am preparing you to walk in maturity. As you learn to walk with me you will learn
to allow my ways to penetrate your life. You will seek more of me, not for yourself,
but more of me for others.

You learn not to fear what I have shown you, for you know I am love. I am the God of all truth.
Walk in me and I will be glorified. I am the way to life and abundance.

I AM the light. Learn to walk in my pure light. You will see me.
You will learn to recognize me and what is not me. You will move in participation of what I am doing.
I will move boldly through my people. Great signs and wonders will abound so those bound and blind might learn of me.

I AM love. You will walk in the pure maturity of me. My love will abound through you, my friend.


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