no disgrace

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift. Ephesians 4:7 (ESV)

My Holy Spirit is preparing you.

There is no disgrace to those who are mine. You are mine.
My grace is free; it is for you. It is through my blood that abundant life is yours.
I am drawing you closer. I am sustaining you. Learn to fall into the arms of my protection.

I have fully clothed you. My blood covers the past and present. In me alone you have a future. Release the bonds that seek to hold you. Drink from my pure water. Be refreshed. Allow me to show you my love. Allow my grace to be active in your lie.

The world can not understand. It does not know me; it had not yet seen me.
I am ever-filling you. Draw nearer to me. Find the freedom you seek. I will clothe you in my majestic colours.

Do not miss out. Come to me without fear or shame. I have called you by the name I have given you. Come forth. Come now from wherever you are. My armament is more than sufficient. I am the shield your protection.

I am building my kingdom. Go forth in the power of my word. I am releasing my ambassadors to represent me. You will recognize them. In my kingdom there is no darkness. I am the pure light you seek. Come closer each day.

My grace is sufficient. Be caught in my love. Be captured by my smile.
I will tear apart every snare the enemy has set. He is powerless while in you in me. His schemes fall harmless for those who rely upon my name.

There is no disgrace in those who are mine. I have covered you. You are clothed in my righteousness. The cloaks of my anointing are present. My aroma follows each place you walk.


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