lessons of a dog owner

We have two cocker spaniels. Last month they turned one year of age. In the almost year they have lived with us there have been many changes required. I have had many learning opportunities.

While Sadie and Sophie are sisters from the same litter, they are quite unique in their mannerisms. These dogs are like most people. They like to do the things they like to do. Sadie is the sister smaller in stature, but is by far the more vocal. She is also one who tries to please. She is very responsive and comes when first called. She does not to be disobedient. While Sophie, enjoys doing her own thing. Yet when she has been scolded she does not avoid me. Instead she draws closer as if to re-establish the relationship. That can be such a good example for spiritual guidance. When I screw-up or receive correction, I should not avoid God, but come eagerly back to Him.

As individuals, the dogs express themselves differently. There are different modes of play they each prefer. While they both may bark, it is for different reasons, and they both have several types are barks. A bark is not a bark is not a bark. In these matters, my wife is often more discerning. Recently as we were in the driveway, getting out of the car I could see the dogs in the front window. They were both barking loudly. I thought to myself, do they bark at everyone who walks by? As I called to them to be quiet, my wife said something that quietly scolded me. She said, “They are barking because they are glad to see you again.”

When I come home from work they are very excited to greet me. They are quickly at my feet and jumping for attention. And if I pay attention, they have brought something with them. They usually both bring a toy. It is like they wish to share something important with me.

As I said before, I have had several learning opportunities. Some have been directly with and for them, while others have reflected my attitude towards others or even towards God. I wondered this evening when they both came barking excitedly to see me if how I react to God? Do I show him the same excitement? Do I bring to him something I valve to share? Do I enthusiastically try to jump into the lap of poppa?


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