Enter in

It is the time for you, my people, to enter into what I have for you.
It is the time to cross over, beyond what you now realize.
My Spirit of Revelation is opening ways and avenues never seen.

Step beyond and enter into what is for my people.
You have been quiet too long. Enter into my joy
and release truth into the air and nations.

I am the resurrection life; Step into my resurrection power.
Release it into the dreams you thought were dead.
Speak it into your family so they may have abundant life.
Give them both to me.

Gather your pots; Fill them with my unending supply of oil.
The more you use it, the more it is replenished. Call for me.
Seek me. Enter into the relationship I have for you.


Jule said…
Thank you for this word Steven, it is confirmation to just what the Lord was speaking to me last night. I appreciate your obedience to the Lord in speaking..

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