लेस्सों फ्रॉम ११:11

As I got into bed last one recent night I looked at the clock.
The time was 11:11. I reached for my Bible to see if He may be
speaking to me through the time. As I turned, looking at 11:11
chapters and verse I came to the book of Zechariah. There I
found a marker dated 7/6/2000 that brought me comfort then
as it does today.

I will strengthen them in the Lord and in his name they will walk,"
declares the Lord. Zechariah 10:12 (NIV)

While I did not find an 11:11 marker last night, I found something as
important. God is still speaking to me. It was in the morning that I
saw my note from the night before, that God clearly spoke to me.

He wanted me to share something with you. In seeking his voice you
only as limited as your thinking and experiences in Him. Expand your
ways. Continue to seek after God and his plan for you. Do not limit
what you see, for his ways are sure and broader than what we can
know. For me this time 11:11 last evening is also 23:11.

So be very careful to love the Lord your God. Joshua 23:11 (NIV)


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