अ लार्ज ग्रुप ऑफ़ trees

This one one of the few dreams in which I remembered seeing in colour. It was bright, vivid, yet normal colours.

I could see a group of large trees ahead of me. I could see that most were an ever-green type. They were very full and very tall, swaying back and forth in the wind. I could see a sky-blue sky above and around the movement of the trees. At the base of the tress were three dogs; these were cocker spaniels. They were barking tt the moving trees. While I doun't remember their colour, I remember noting all three were a solid colour and distictive from the other two.

My clue that this was a dream from God was simple: I woke up overwhelmed by his presence, laughing and telling him, "That was good".


I find this in contrast to an experince he once gave me. He carried my far up into the heavenlies. I could see the earth becoming smaller, until it was barely visible. As we flew about, he said "See that?"

As I looked about I could really nothing, and told him so. I was urged to look again, "Do you see it?" As I looked, it was like my vision became very acute and tunnelled downward to earth. It was limited to one tall upright ever-green tree. As I acknowledged I could see it, we flew away and th trip ended. There was a common factor of viewing tree(s).


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