Allow Wholeness

There in front of the whole assembly
King David praised the Lord. He said,
Lord God of our ancestor Jacob, may
you be praised forever and ever!

You are great and powerful, glorious,
splendid, and majestic.

Everything in heaven and earth is yours,
and you are king, supreme ruler over all.

All riches and wealth come from you;
you rule everything by your strength and
power; and you are able to make anyone
great and strong.

Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and we praise your glorious name.
‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭29‬:‭10‬-‭13‬ ‭(GNT‬‬)

Stop and listen to the quiet. I am there,
hovering over what is mine. My thoughts
cover them and you with blessings.

Let your anxieties be resolved with
My truth. Allow wholeness to again
be your portion in life.


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