
I'd be open to direct. I had a short vision Sunday - the "message"
was a quite clear answer, but I'm unsure as to what it was answering.
Maybe it's for you.

I saw two long and narrow boats. Thy reminded me of skull-boats.
I could see two of them from a distance. I could see they had
people in them, by the vivid colours within each boat.

They were both going the same direction away from me on a river
and approaching an arched underpass where the water would pass
through. The problem I saw, was the water level was too high and
there was no way these two boats were going to be able to navigate
safely beneath stone archway. I next saw a large "log" appear
between and slightly in front of the skull boats. I thought, that
looks like a battering ram, and heard, "I will make the way".

As I said, it sure seemed like a clear answer for someone.

Steven W Bliss


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