
I awoke from a recent heavenly exprience fresh within my mind and a feeling of excitement.

I was in Vermont and was talking with a group of the local people. (I do not know how I knew it was Vermont, as it was not where I had lived in Bennington). I was asking them if they knew where a particular street was. They looked puzzled and shook their head. Then they said there was no such street. I was surprised at their answer. I showed them that it was around this next corner to the left and it went up into the mountains. I excitedly explained that the street ended in Canada.

I knew I had been to that particular street before. I was back to go to the now.
I pointed the direction of the street was and explained how to get there. I was excited. I was wanting to back to that particular “store”. It was in older building, but had many levels. It had many things which excited me to look at, especially the books.

That was the end of the dream. Later the same day I'm talking with God about the dream and what it meant for me. I heard him ask, if I didn't remember another dream I'd had. Then I clearly remembered a recurring dream. It was similar to this dream and it had the very same store in it. I could picture the store. It reminded me of an older wood-frame house, except it was at least seven stories high. I could picture the wooden steps between the levels and all the racks and racks of books on each of the levels.


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