I will supply

The priest replied to David, "I don't have any ordinary bread at my disposal. Only holy bread is available, and then only if your soldiers have abstained from sexual relations with women."
David said to the priest, "Certainly women have been kept away from us, just as on previous occasions when I have set out. The soldiers' equipment is holy, even on an ordinary journey. How much more so will they be holy today,
along with their equipment!"
So the priest gave him holy bread, for there was no bread there other than the bread of the Presence. It had been removed from before the Lord in order to replace it with hot bread on the day it had been taken away.
1 Samuel 21:4-6 (NET)

You are my holy priests. I have called you and set you before me to minister. I will supply what you need. Come to me in your hunger. Tell me of your point of need and see what will happen.

All that I have is available to you. You are in training to access more.

Lesson from today...
I had just taken the dogs for a walk. As we enter the house they run straight to the back-door to be let outside.  But I turn to go upstairs. Before I can reach the mid-point of the stairway the two dogs are already at the top, excited waiting to greet me.  Wherever I go, they follow. They seem constantly ready to give and receive attention.   Selah


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