a new season

You are to set the Bread of the Presence on the table before me continually. Exodus 25:30 (NET)

In the past few weeks I’ve heard the Father impress me with a few seemingly different thoughts. More recently I heard Him ask, why I thought they were separate items. The initial portion he’d had me think upon was “It is time to try something new”, the next was, “Eagle Express Lines”, and the third was “Fresh bread”.

For this idea of fresh bread He brought to my mind a past spiritual interaction. As I was climbing this snow covered mountain I was a building outside of what appeared to be a village.  There was a large wordless sign-like structure. Inside of it was an empty square. When I asked about it, I was told that the baker would place his sign in that open area. It was then the local people would know that fresh bread was available.  Jesus tells us many times he is our bread of life.

I heard the unexpected sound of a light rain as it fell upon the dry and fallen leaves. This rain continued until I reached my care and it immediately quit. Then came that wonderful aroma of a fresh rain.  The Father says to rejoice in his unexpected ways of interacting with you. Though you are now dry, He will anoint you with a supernatural joy. He will touch you with what is needed within you.

I was again shown a large group of eagles flying high above. It was an orderly display of purpose. He says to ready yourself for a catapulting into the heavenly realm. He is preparing another wave of eagles to do his bidding. You will be a part of an organized movement that move and react upon his behalf. Those that are now before him will be selected for this time.

There are those of you who feel dry, some of you are disappointed and some to the point of bitterness. You’ve been wallowing. You’ve been trying to grow in areas which you were not prepared for. It is time for you to try something new. If you allow I will show you much more. I will direct you to the area where you will succeed in me. Eat freely of the bread and grow.


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