the LORD says

This is what the LORD says: If you will return, I will take you back. If you will speak what is worthwhile and not what is worthless, you will stand in my presence. The people will return to you, but you will not return to them.  Jeremiah 15:19 (GW)


Anonymous said…

Oh my, so many of the non-Catholic Christian prophets are hearing about the Holy Eucharist from Our Lord in the prophetic.

I saw your older message posted or reposted at Open Heaven today.

_ _ _


I am the bread of life.

Take of my body.

My body was beaten for you.

I was broken in order to bring life.

Gather into me.

Receive that which you need.

Gather from me

what is needed for each day.

Partake of me:

Learn of my patience,

Receive new vision from the Father,

I give to you compassion.

You must partake of me.

No one can gather for you.

My manna is new each day.

It is available to those of seek.

My body was broken for you.

Eat fully of my ways.

I am a reflection of the Father.

We are one.

Eat the bread, my life.

Eat my bread. Eat fully.

I am the manna in the wilderness.

I am the bread of life.

+ + +

God Himself is the manna in the New
Covenant. The reformers, beginning
in 1517 came up with saying the Eucharist is just a symbol, a remembrance. This is not true, read the quotes of the early Church Fathers, men taught by the Apostles. The reformers rejected
the New Covenant ministerial priesthood so could not confect
the Eucharist.

Our Lord is gently preparing non-Catholic Christians to accept
His presence in the most Holy Eucharist. The "awakening" prophesied in Revelation 6:15-17
and described in 1 Corinthians 3:13 is "soon" says Heaven. God
is going to show every person on the earth and it will be your choice to say yes or no to Him.

In John 6, Jesus instruction on the
Eucharist, He speaks of being the
manna come down from Heaven.

God humbly wants everyone to receive His risen, body, blood, soul and divinity. You do not
see a change in the consecrated host and consecrated wine, this is supernatural, you must accept on faith God wishes to come to you this way.

Finally, Our Lord's prayer to the
Father will become a reality, that we will all be one in belief.

Amen and Alleluia


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