
This morning I had an odd word pop into my consciousness. I heard the word, plankton. I thought to myself, that does not seem good. To me, it does not have a good connotation. The word stayed with me, so I looked for a natural definition.

plankton, (from
the small and microscopic organisms drifting or floating in the sea or fresh water, consisting chiefly of diatoms, protozoans, small crustaceans, and the eggs and larval stages of larger animals. Many animals are adapted to feed on plankton, esp. by filtering the water

Plankton is alive, and often becomes food. It can be unnoticed - not particularly visible to the natural eye, but there is life depending upon it. We can be that plankton floating, overlooked, and moving to where we are directed. We can feed others, or wash ashore rotting and unused: the choice is ours.


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