
ECHO  ECHo  ECho Echo  echo

As I was up this morning I heard the word echo repeating in such a fashion. I asked what there was I am to learn.
An echo is true. It is a repetitive yet diminishing sound reflected from a surface. It is never original, but the more one tries to hear it the less is available.
You are called to be my voice, and not but an echo. I give you the words to speak so that others may know me.  You are unique and original.
I formed you and gave you my breath. I placed you into a specific location with a purpose.  I took a rib from your side and in its place was flesh forming Ishshah, your ally-companion. Together you are one in me. Together you accomplish what I have called you both to do.
You have my commission, to rule over what I have created.  My words do not diminish over time. They are active and available to you. You are my voice. Speak what I shall share with you.


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