there all the time…

I found a penny a few days ago. When I got home, I washed off what appeared to be an older coin, except that the date was actually 2010.  And it never did really clean-up. I stuck it back into my pocket so I could place it in the “found-coins” container. That night as I was readying for bed I emptied my pockets and I could not find the penny. I searched again, but it was gone.

Now, two night later, the penny is on my dresser. I heard His voice say to me, “Yes, it was there all the time.”  Too often things we think are gone, really are not. They are but out of site. Sometimes they are hidden from us to see if we are willing to continue to seek for them. At other times, they are taken from us for a time until we are ready.  In both cases, they are there all the time, just hidden from us in plain sight.


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