12-13-14 morning walk

I was walking with the dogs this morning. I took them to a place
where I’ve walked with each of our dogs over the past forty year period. They seemed excited and full of energy this morning. As I looked out across the acres of land where I felt as if I wanted to cry.

Things were quite different and permanently changed in the lake area and within my life. We walked along our way and back to the car. Driving out I was stopped by this word from Father. While if spoke to me, I sense it will speak to many of you who are relating to the changes made in out lives and circumstances around us.

Don't cry for what you once knew. Just as you have changed and will continue to change in what you see or perceive to be true. I am planting in fertile soil.

Ruach Elohim is continuing to breathe and hover over the face of the deep. He sees the eyes of those past and those yet to be made known. His breath is yet conceiving life.

I Am for evermore; without beginning or end. I watch out and direct your pathway. I am ever-creating circumstances for you to grow and succeed.


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