for Ann

It is time for you to venture out into the sonshine.  Yes, it is now your time.
This time of testing is not because of anything you think you may have done. Amidst this testing you can find me. Lock your eyes upon me. Allow my fire to cloak you in security and peace.
I see a small home tucked away in a wooded area. I see the face of one looking outside from behind a window of seclusion. In front of here is now bright late-spring sunshine. No more the white winter snow of cold and darkness.
It is your time to act upon what you feel father speaking to you. It is time to believe that healing can come for others when you lay hands on and pray with them.
It is time for you to believe that you can breath new life into the silent and hurting faces. As you begin to walk out what you’ve learned you will grow more aware of what Father wants to do.  In obedience to the small things you will again feel re-connected to Father.  He’s never gone, but needs you to learn He’s always there, always ready to act.
It’s your time to know you are loved by God; that you are important in His kingdom for who you are and not for what you may do.


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