Good morning and Happy New year.

I realize for some of you, it is a time of confusion and turbulence.
Do not be discouraged, Father-God is guiding things in His plan.
If you do not know Him or his wonderful grace for us, this may sound as drivel.
But consider how/why you found this post. 
God wishes to touch you right now. His way is certain and it begins with
knowing Jesus.  Ask him to show himself to you. He can be trusted.
He brings needed wholes/healing into our lives.
Know Jesus, and ask Him to forgive you. (WE have all need of Him).
He wishes to guide you in Truth; to give you hope and a purpose.
You are part of his plan to bring salvation to those in need.
You can be part of his family; Trust him and follow after his ways.
Know Jesus loves you.


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