Have you ever wondered if God hears you, or even better, if you hear from
Him.  Consider this scenario from my morning God-walk this morning.
In my morning walk today, I noticed a train sitting on the track. It was not
such an unusual site.  It was a pleasant morning for a walk and prayer. I
had just asked God about my life direction when I heard the blast of the
whistle of an on-coming train. I heard myself say, “Train, train.”
"What??" I asked.  Looking back over the times of my life, He has provided
many times of growth and training for me.  I heard myself asking, "Am I
getting new training or giving training?"  In a few moments, I heard the
groan of the stationary train as it began to awaken and slowly continue
it's southbound journey.
As we, my dog and self, continued walking I a saw a white "Crystal Water"
truck enter onto the road-path we were walking.  It was unusual to have
any type such vehicles come into the MetroPark. I turned about again to
visualize the truck so I could be sure Sadie was safe from it's approach,
behind us, but there was now no truck and no natural way for it to have
I laughed at the idea of the Crystal Water truck "disappearing", and then
the familiar sound of another north-bound train. Know that God
is communicating with us, but we need learn how to receive and
interpret what He may be telling us.


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