morning train lesson

In each of my prayer walks I expect to receive something from Father-God.
This morning was no different.  As we were in the last portion of the walk I
could hear the whistle of an approaching north-bound train.  We walked
quicker in our direction so we might visualize this train that would pass
by. We reach a vantage point where I could see the approaching train.
I was surprised when I saw it was powered by by bright orange engines.
Directly behind them were sever car which appeared to be those which may be
carrying an oil type of load.
Traveling back home, I was my eyes were draw to the signs displaying $2.29.
Revelation 2:29 reminds me that I am to listen to what the Spirit is saying.
Deuteronomy 2:29 reminds us that we will have particular ancient enemies
harassing us, until we pass over to the land the LORD is giving us.
In examining the “orange” which caught my eyes, one place has the “Orange:
fire, proven in fire, power, harvest”  This spoke to my heart, as I had been
given by Father some twenty years prior the name of FireCarrier.
As we journey in our lives we should not forget our purpose, to worship God.
Like that train, we are to stay on track, moving to the destination with
what ever load he has supplied.


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