water stories

Then Moses led Israel to journey away from the Red Sea.
They went out to the Desert of Shur, walked for three days into the desert,
and found no water.

Then they came to Marah, but they were not able
to drink the waters of Marah, because they were bitter.
(That is why its name was Marah.) So the people murmured against Moses,
saying, What can we drink?

He cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree.
When Moses threw it into the water, the water became safe to drink.
There the Lord made for them a binding ordinance, and there he tested them.

He said, If you will diligently obey the Lord your God,
and do what is right in his sight, and pay attention to his commandments,
and keep all his statutes,
then all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians
I will not bring on you, for I, the Lord, am your healer.
Exodus 15:22-26 (NET)

His mother told the servants, “Whatever he tells you, do it.”
Now there were six stone water jars there
for Jewish ceremonial washing, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.

Jesus told the servants, “Fill the water jars with water.”
So they filled them up to the very top. Then he told them,
“Now draw some out and take it to the head steward,”
and they did.

When the head steward tasted the water that had been turned to wine,
not knowing where it came from
(though the servants who had drawn the water knew), he called the bridegroom”
John 2:5-9 (NET)


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